fun loving friends with a wheelchair bound girl at sasha center

Empowering Lives

spina bifida warriors at sasha

Our Purpose: Uniting for Spina Bifida

At Sasha, we unite individuals and families impacted by Spina Bifida. Our goal is to provide unwavering support, valuable resources, and a strong community. We assist those impacted by Spina Bifida by offering information, care, emotional support, practical help, and medical assistance. Moreover, we support the families and carers of these individuals. Our mission is to raise awareness, promote strength, and advocate for the health and well-being of those living with Spina Bifida. Join us on our journey to make a positive impact and empower lives.

Our Commitment

At Sasha, our commitment drives everything we do. Therefore, we want to create an enabling environment to ensure equal opportunities, equity, social justice, and empowerment for persons with Spina Bifida. To achieve this, we offer education, rehabilitation, and livelihood opportunities. Additionally, we work to remove obstacles that individuals with disabilities like Spina Bifida encounter daily. Our aim is to create an inclusive society where individuals with disabilities have equal access to education, employment, and social participation. Furthermore, our Spina Bifida Foundation will encourage voluntary action to ensure the effective implementation of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.

happy children at sasha
parents with their two happy and healthy children

Passionate about making a difference in the Spina Bifida community.