a picture showing disposable urinary catheres for intermittent self catheterisation

What is Intermittent Self Catheterization?

Introduction to Clean Intermittent Self Catheterization (CISC)

In this article we are going to cover what is Intermittent Self Catheterisation and it benifits individuals who void urine on their own. Clean Intermittent Self Catheterization (CISC) closely mimics natural urination and is an excellent alternative. Visit our YouTube section to watch animations that explain the CISC procedure, download catheterization instructions, and more. For comprehensive information on self-catheterization and how the body functions, this is your go-to resource!

How Intermittent Catheterization Puts You in Control

Regardless of severity, bladder problems can make it hard to go about our day-to-day lives with confidence. Clean Intermittent Self Catheterization (CISC) empowers you by giving you control over your bladder management. It allows you to empty your bladder at your convenience – just like natural peeing. It reduces the risk of infections and complications associated with urine retention. CISC can enhance your independence and improve your quality of life by providing a reliable and discreet way to manage urinary retention. With proper technique and regular practice, CISC becomes a routine part of your day, helping you maintain comfort and confidence. By taking charge of your bladder health, you can lead a more active and fulfilling life, which is more important than it may sound. With good single-use catheters like Polymed’s Nel Cath and Romson’s Nel Cath, you can catheterize quickly, comfortably, and with minimal fuss. No one has to know besides you.

Socially, CISC enhances your independence and confidence. By managing your bladder health discreetly, you can participate in social activities without the worry of incontinence (leakage) or the need for frequent bathroom breaks. This freedom can improve your overall quality of life and social interactions.

Sexually, CISC can positively impact your intimate relationships. By maintaining good bladder health, you reduce the risk of infections and discomfort that can interfere with sexual activity and increase the chances for better sexual functions. Feeling in control of your body can also boost your self-esteem and contribute to a healthier, more satisfying sex life. Disposable catheters give you freedom because there’s no permanent device to be embarrassed about or that gets in the way.

Better Control Over Your Bladder Leads to Better Quality of Life.

If you have sufficient hand control and coordination to handle a catheter, self-catheterization offers a safe and convenient method to empty your bladder, regardless of your condition. Emptying your bladder through Intermittent Self Catheterization (CISC) offers significant medical benefits. It helps prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs) and kidney damage by ensuring complete bladder emptying. Regular CISC can also reduce the risk of bladder stones and other complications associated with urinary retention. Better control over your bladder leads to better quality of life.

Intermittent Catheterization and Its Advantages:

  • Minus the risk of a few catheter-induced UTIs, it’s easy and safe. It may feel a little weird at first, but it does not hurt for most people. However, if you do feel pain, it is temporary and can be tackled through pain medications.
  • It empties the bladder properly and prevents Vesicoureteral reflux, preventing the backflow of urine that could damage the kidneys.
  • It eliminates the risk of UTIs caused by residual urine.
  • Because it empties properly, there’s no risk of urine leakage.
  • You pick, and choose, the time and place to empty your bladder.
  • It could help you get a proper full night’s sleep.
  • Improved quality of life! You don’t have to worry about embarrassing leaks, or how you’ll manage outside the home, camping and sleepovers etc.
  • It is discreet, supports your social and love life, and promotes sexual health.

Together We Can

Starting Clean Intermittent Self Catheterization (CISC) on the right foot is crucial for both, your physical health and psychological well-being. Good support is extremely, valuable along with a catheter that is safe, discreet, and easy to handle.

Each person has a unique condition, so there’s no single way to learn catheterization. You might feel uneasy when starting but don’t worry. Most people overcome that feeling after trying it a few times. At Sasha, we guide and teach individuals about catheterization and everything that comes with it. Our founder, who took years to adopt it, understands the physical pain and fear of UTIs, as well as the ongoing use of antibiotics that often accompany it. We will cover this in detail in another article.

About the author

Raul/DJ Vivek
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Meet Vivek Bharadwaj, a remarkable individual who has defied the odds and soared to new heights despite living with Spina bifida. As the founder of the Sasha Foundation, Vivek tirelessly advocates for others facing similar challenges. His unwavering commitment to support, awareness, and empowerment had made a lasting impact on the Spina bifida community.


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